
Disable IPv6


Eğer Windows Server 2008 üzerinde Exchange Server 2007 kurulumu yapıyor ve IPv6 dan dolayı bir takım hatalar alıyorsanız IPv6 yı tamamen kapatmak için aşağıdaki adımları takip edebilirsiniz

Disable IPv6
If you are not using IPv6 in the Exchange environment, we recommend that you disable it.

To disable IPv6

1. In Control Panel, open Network and Sharing Center.
2. In the Tasks list, click Manage network connections.
3. Right-click the connection from which you want to remove IPv6, and then click Properties.
4. Click to clear the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) check box, and then click OK.
5. Close Network Connections, and then close Network and Sharing Center.
6. In Windows Explorer, locate the hosts file in the following location:

7. In Notepad, open the hosts file.
8. In the hosts file, remove the following entry:

::1 localhost
9. Save and then close the hosts file.
10. Start Registry Editor.
11. Expand the following subkey:

12. Right-click Parameters, point to New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value.
13. Type DisabledComponents, and then press ENTER to name the new value.
14. Right-click DisabledComponents, and then click Modify.
15. In the Value data box, type FFFFFFFF, and then click OK.
16. Exit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.

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