vCenter Site Recovery Manager Training


Eğer bir replikasyon ortamı oluşturmak istiyorsanız veya mevcut production ortamınızın bir Disaster site’ini oluşturmak istiyorsanız bunun için Site Recovery Manager kullanmanız gerekiyor. Site Recovery Manager’in 2 günlük eğitim konuları aşağıdaki gibidir.

Objectives: •  Install SRM 5.1
•  Understand the storage replication options
•  Deploy and configure VMware vSphere® Replication (VR)
•  Configure inventory and resource mappings
•  Build protection groups based on VR
•  Create, edit, execute, and test a recovery plan
•  Perform a planned migration
•  Perform a reprotect and a failback
Intended Audience: vSphere administrators, architects, system engineers, and systems integrators who are responsible for the deployment or management of SRM
Prerequisites: •  Completion of VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage or equivalent experience
•  Basic knowledge of disaster recovery concepts
•  Basic knowledge of storage array technology
Outline: 1  Course Introduction
•  Introductions and course logistics
•  Course goals and objectives
2  VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager Overview and Architecture
•  Describe how SRM can be used for disaster recovery
•  List SRM features
3  Installing VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager
•  Describe the SRM architecture and components
•  Identify the necessary components to deploy and use SRM
•  List SRM prerequisites and guidelines
•  Install the SRM software and the VMware® vCenter™ Site Recovery Manager™ Plug-In
•  Configure an SRM site pair
4  Storage Replication
•  Discuss SRM architecture when used with array-based replication
•  Discuss VR technology
5  Deploying Replication
•  Deploy and configure a vSphere Replication appliance
•  Deploy and configure a VR server appliance
•  Describe the architecture of VR
•  Describe the process for adding an array manager
6  Configuring Inventory Mappings
•  Configure SRM inventory and network mappings
•  Configure placeholder datastores
7  Configuring vSphere Replication
•  Configure VR for a single virtual machine
•  Describe VR recovery point objective scheduling
•  Describe the VR disk transfer protocol
•  Configure VR for multiple virtual machines
•  Manage VR
8  Building Protection Groups
•  Discuss differences between array-based protection groups and VR protection groups
•  Create, configure, and edit protection groups
9  Building Recovery Plans
•  Discuss SRM recovery plan concepts
•  Create a recovery plan
•  Modify recovery plan properties
10  Testing and Running a Recovery Plan
•  Discuss uses cases for SRM recovery
•  Identify SRM workflows
•  Test a recovery plan
•  Revert a tested recovery plan
•  Discuss recovery plan execution
•  Perform a planned migration
•  Perform a reprotect
•  Perform a failback
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