VMwareVMware ESXi

How to enable Esxi HyperThreading


Some ESXi users have been talking about lack of performance sometimes. And about that I’m telling that this option will not definitely solve your problem, but it’ll help.

Now, before that, lets have a look at what HyperThreading is.

HyperThreading ; It’s something that got into our life with Pentium 4. It’s purpose is to make sure more than one process’ are working on a core. I mean normally, a core processes only one thing, with HT, it’Ll be able to process more than one. We didn’t HT after Pentium 4, this means no HT in Core2Duo.

First of all, we connect to our host with vSphere Client. We are clicking on Configuration > Processors on the server we want to activate HT. If your CPU supports it then Properties tab will be activated. And if your CPU is not supporting it then you will not be able to activate it. I have to say that it’s normally open at the hosts but there can be exceptions. When you go in, you will see a screen like that above. If the enable is not ticked in, tick it and press OK. Thats all.

IMPORTANT : After it’s enabled, host has to be rebooted. It’ll be activated after reboot.

I hope it’s been useful.

Good luck.

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Tayfun DEĞER

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